Vokatra mafana


  • 2021

    Ny departemanta fitantanana dia nifindra tany amin'ny zaridainan'ny indostria fifandraisana optika.

    Nametraka hangzhou fcj opto Technology co., Ltd

    Natsangana Zhejiang Hangdian Wire & Cable Co., Ltd.

  • 2020

    Amboary ny teknolojia fampahalalam-baovao Fuchunjiang Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 2019

    Tamin'ny volana martsa, nahazo ny loka "High - Tech Enterprise" izay nomena ny 30 Novambra 2018.

  • 2018

    Tamin'ny volana Desambra, ny orinasa dia nahazo ny lohatenin'ny "mpamatsy China Optical Cable mendrika"

    On November 8th, the company was selected as AA Credit of “Trustworthy” Business Enterprise in Zhejiang province which was issued by Fuyang Market Administration.

    In November, the company was listed top 10 comprehensive competitive enterprises in China Optical Communication Industrial, 2018.


  • 2017

    In September, the company was awarded the “Lingyu Award: Outstanding Enterprise” at China Optical Fiber and Cable Conference.

    Tamin'ny volana novambra, ny orinasa dia voafantina ho ambony indrindra amin'ny orinasam-pifaninana indrindra amin'ny fifandraisana Chine optical 2017.

  • 2016

    In May, the company was ranked as 13th among the top 100 enterprises of electronic components manufactures in China in 2016 (the 29th Session).

    In November, the company was recognized as the Vice President of China Electronic Components Industry Association Photoelectric Cable and Optical Devices Branch.

    Tamin'ny volana novambra, ny orinasa dia voatanisa ny orinasan-draharahan'ny fifaninanana 10 feno amin'ny indostrian'ny serasera China Optical, 2016.

    In November, the company won “China’s qualified supplier of optical cable & power cable ” (in the name of FCJ group).

  • 2015

    Tamin'ny volana martsa, nahazo ny "fahatokiana" ny orinasam-pifandraisana "azo itokisana ny orinasa ao amin'ny faritany Zhejiang.

    In May, the company ranked 12th among the top 100 enterprises of electronic components manufactures in China in 2015(the 28th session).

    In June, the company was awarded “Outstanding Contribution to Optical Communication Development in Cross-strait Communications”

  • 2014

    Tamin'ny volana aprily, ny "milina fanoratana an-tsokosoko" Steel Wire "dia nahazo ny teratany modely modely.

    Tamin'ny volana novambra, ny orinasa dia voatanisa ny orinasam-pifandraisana ambony indrindra 10 amin'ny indostrian'ny fifandraisana Chine Optical, 2013.

    Tamin'ny volana Desambra, ny iray amin'ireo singa optika plc optika manapaka ny fomba dia nahazo ny fomba fanontana nasionaly.

    Tamin'ny volana Desambra, ny mari-pahaizana momba ny fitantanana tsara indrindra ao amin'ny tanànan'i Fupy "dia nahazo ny taratasy fanamarinana".

  • 2013

    In January, Optical composite intelligent optical cable for communication access network which was innovated by the company was awarded the “Second Class Prize” of Fuyang science& technology progress.

    Tamin'ny volana martsa, ny orinasa dia nomena ny fidirana manokana amin'ny sehatra tsy miankina amin'ny faramparan'ny taona 2012.

    In August, the company established a joint venture “Hangzhou GOC Optical Communication Co., Ltd.” with GOC Company of South Korea.

    In September, the planar optical waveguide splitter chip innovated by the company has been selected as the National Torch Program by the Torch High-tech Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

    Tamin'ny volana novambra, ny orinasa dia nahazo ny taratasy fanamarinana ny "ambaratonga faha-3 amin'ny famokarana azo antoka" amin'ny Hangzhou

  • 2012

    In February,”new optical switching device and optical switching network technology” won the second prize of Zhejiang Provincial Science and Technology Award by the provincial government.

    In May, the super tensile optical cable was recognized as National Torch Program by Torch High-tech Development Center, Ministry of Science and technology.

    In November, Optical composite intelligent optical cable for communication access network innovated by the company was awarded the third prize of Hangzhou science&technology progress.

    Tamin'ny volana novambra, ny orinasa dia voatanisa ny orinasam-pifandraisana ambony indrindra 10 amin'ny indostrian'ny fifandraisana China Optical, 2012.

    In November, two new products, the planar optical waveguide splitter chip and one of the round center tube lead-in cables, passed the provincial assessment.

    In December, Zhang Xudong has been selected as the 7th vice president of CECA optical cable branch, and the FCJ group the vice president organization, at the same time, the company was honored as “Outstanding Contribution to Association”.

  • 2011

    In July, the company was ranked as 12th among the top 100 enterprises of electronic components manufactures in China in 2011(the 24th session).

    In August, the Integrated optical planar waveguide optical communication devices innovated by the company has obtained the certificate of National Torch Program.

    In October, “Drop cable (non-metallic reinforcement)” was awarded the Third Prize of Hangzhou Science and Technology Progress.

    In October, “Drop cable (non-metallic reinforcement)” was awarded the Second Prize of Fuyang Science and Technology Progress.

    Tamin'ny Oktobra, ny orinasa dia nahazo ny High - Taratasy Taratasy Tech Enterprise.

    Tamin'ny volana novambra, ny orinasa dia voatanisa ny orinasam-pifandraisana tsara indrindra 10 amin'ny indostrian'ny fifandraisana Chine Optical, 2011.

  • 2010

    Tamin'ny volana septambra, ny tariby optika HUNTFU dia nekena ho Zhejiang Well - fanta-daza.

  • 2009

    Tamin'ny volana martsa, ny orinasa dia nanome voninahitra ny "asan'ny mpisava lalana ny andraikitra ara-tsosialy".

    In April, the optical cable department has been honored the Outstanding Group in Hangzhou “To Create an Organizations characterized of continuous learning and To be Knowledgeable Workers” activity.

    In May, FCJ Photoelectric Communication Provincial High-tech Company R&D Center was assessed as “good” by Zhejiang Ministry of Science and Technology.

    Tamin'ny volana septambra, ny tariby optika Fuhang dia nekena ho "Zhejing Well - marika fantatra".

    In October, the company was honored as “60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic: top 10 fiber and optical cable manufacture enterprise which records China’s telecommunication’s glory and dream”

  • 2007 - 2008

    In March, 2007, the company was recognized as AAA enterprise of customers satisfaction in national communication cable and optical cable industrial.

    Tamin'ny volana septambra 2007, ny tariby optika Fuhang dia nekena ho Shina tsara - Ireo marika fantatra.

    In November, 2007, the company was listed top 10 comprehensive competitive enterprise in China optical communication industrial, 2007.

    In September, 2008, the company passed the assessment of national high-tech enterprise and became the high-tech company which is highly supported by government.




  • 2006

    Tamin'ny Janoary, ny marika "Fuhang" dia voafantina ho Zhejiang Well - fanta-daza.

    Tamin'ny volana Mey, ny orinasa dia nomena voninahitra ho "orinasa tsy manam-paharoa amin'ny indostrian'ny China".

    Tamin'ny Mey, ny orinasa dia nandany ny fanamarinana rafitra fitantanana ny tontolo iainana ao Iso 14001.

    Tamin'ny volana jona, nandany ny AAA nanaratsy ny fanamafisana ny fitondran-tena tsara ny orinasa.

  • 2004 - 2005

    Tamin'ny volana martsa 2004, ny orinasa dia nahazo ny taratasy fanamarinana mari-pahaizana momba ny fandrefesana sy ny rafi-panadinana faharoa.

    In July, 2004, the company obtained the certification certificate and network access certificate from organizations like TLC under the Ministry of Information Industry and National Radio and Television Administration.

    Tamin'ny volana Aogositra 2005, ny orinasa dia voafidy ho vondrona talen'ny talen'ny Electrical Electrication Appliance.

    Tamin'ny volana septambra 2005, ny orinasa dia nandresy ny "fianakaviana mandroso ho an'ny mpiasa".




  • 2002 - 2003

    Tamin'ny Oktobra, 2002, ny rafi-pitantanana kalitao dia niova ho ISO 9001, fenitra manerantany.

    Tamin'ny volana Desambra 2002, nomena ny trosa AAA ny orinasa.

    In December,2003, technical center was recognized as provincial high-tech R&D center. And the products were awarded product quality exemption certificate issued by the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.


  • 1992 - 2001

    Tamin'ny 1992, dia naorina ny orinasa.

    Tamin'ny 1998, ny orinasa dia nahazo ny fanamarinana rafitra momba ny kalitao fitantanana ny rafitra momba ny kalitao.

    Tamin'ny Janoary, 2001, dia nomena voninahitra ny orinasa ho "fahatokisan-tena" orinasa.

    Tamin'ny Jona 2001, ny orinasa dia nekena ho avo - Tech Enterprise nosoratan'i Zhejiang Scizeksaly Siansa sy Technology.




Avelao ny hafatrao